Thyroid conditions occur when your thyroid gland either produces a higher level of thyroid hormones such as triiodothyronine (T3), tetraiodothyronine(T4), or calcitonin or doesn’t produce enough of these hormones. 

Hypothyroidism causes hair damage at a higher level when compared to hyperthyroidism. Thyroid disease can be diagnosed through blood tests such as 

  • TSH which measures thyroid-stimulating hormone.
  • The thyroid hormones in your blood can be measured through T3 and T4 tests.
  • Thyroid antibodies test. 

Thyroid conditions can affect hair growth through various stages on your scalp and body. Continue reading to know how to manage hair damage caused by thyroid conditions. and for this problem, you must visit the best hair clinic in Bangalore that can offer you one of the best Trichologists.


Thyroid conditions untreated can cause hair loss. To understand this in detail, let’s see about the structure, layers, types, and stages of hair growth.

  1. Layers of hair include hair shaft, inner root sheath, outer root sheath, glassy membrane, and connective tissue health.
  2. Types of hair include lanugo, villus, and terminal.
  3. Stages of hair growth include the anagen phase(growth), the Catagen phase(involution), the telogen phase(resting), and the exogen phase(shedding).

Abnormal production of thyroid hormones T3 and T4 can affect the development of hair and causes hair loss and thinning of hair across your scalp, eyebrow, and body hair.

The most common type of hair loss associated with thyroid disease is Alopecia.

Hypothyroidism causes Alopecia. 

Causes of hypothyroidism include Iodine deficiency, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Sheehan syndrome, Dyshormonogenesis, and Refetoff syndrome.

Symptoms of hypothyroid 

lethargy, Alopecia, Bradycardia, Constipation, Weight gain, Cold intolerance, and Menorrhagia.

Alopecia is an autoimmune condition defined as loss of hair.


  1. non-scarring (non-cicatricial).
  2. Scarring (cicatrical).

Thyroid disease causes the non-scarring type of Alopecia. 

Non-scarring type of Alopecia includes Patchy, diffuse, patterned, and systemic. 

The systemic type is seen in thyroid disorders.

Hair damage develops slowly with hypothyroidism, and it may not be over a single area so it may take a while before you notice it. More than losing over 100 strands of hair is considered significant hair loss.

Hair damage caused by Hypothyroidism is reversible with proper management of the disease.

Treatment Options Available at Dr. Health Clinic

Hypothyroidism is managed by replacing the amount of hormone that your thyroid gland is no more making. This is done through medications. Consulting endocrinologists will help you arrive at the right treatment for your symptoms. 


  • Hypothyroidism reduces overflow blood flow and thus reduces the supply to the hair follicles causing hair loss. PRP is an advanced treatment for hair loss in which blood is extracted from the patient’s own body and put in a centrifuge. In this process, the activated platelets are separated from plasma, which is then injected into the affected areas of the scalp. This helps in the restoration and regrowth of the hair.
  • It’s important that you keep track of your symptoms, get regular thyroid checkups, and consult a doctor every single month. Ask for other possible management if hair loss continues even after medical treatment.
  • With proper management, hair growth may be noticeable within a few months.

In addition to thyroid disorders make sure you diagnose other conditions associated with hair loss.

Other conditions include. 

  • Family history(hereditary)
  • Medications and supplements. Hair loss can be a side effect of certain drugs, such as those used for arthritis, depression, cancer, and heart problems.
  • Stressful lifestyle. Noticed in people with highly stressful jobs. Increased stress leads to higher cortisol levels. Exercising outdoors, and daily meditation can reduce cortisol levels. In these conditions hair Loss is temporary 
  • Consumption of alcohol and smoking for a long period can affect hair growth.

Lifestyle and Diet Modifications

  • Along with medications changes in lifestyle and diet can improve hair growth and slow down the process of hair loss.
  • A diet rich in protein could prevent hair loss as protein is the building block for hair.
  • A diet rich in iron can prevent hair loss as iron contains ferritin. Thyroid disorder can cause low ferritin levels. Patterned hair loss is associated with increased levels of cortisol. U can boost your iron levels through iron supplement which is pretty much available everywhere.
  • Try multivitamins with biotin. Biotin is absolutely essential and an important element of vitamin B.
  • Be sure to tell your doctors about the supplements you take.
  • Consume foods rich in calcium. 
  • Limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine. Both may cause an increased inflammatory response. Inflammation may worsen thyroid conditions. 
  • Anti-inflammatory foods may improve endocrine function. Since the thyroid is a part of the endocrine system it may help with symptoms of thyroid disorders
  • Avoid food containing gluten, it is medically useful to celeriac disease, celiac disease is common in people with hypothyroidism. 
  • Treat your hair gently and avoid using excessive hairstyling products. 


Hair regrowth can be visibly noticed after a few months. Emotional support is important.

Lastly, Doctors at Dr. Health Clinic are super friendly and always support the Patients physically and mentally and make them stand on their feet to fight with this any disease. You should schedule a consultation with the best trichologist in Bangalore If you have any concerns or uncertainties about hair loss.

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Dr. Shahid Shamsher is one of India’s first certified Trichologist practicing in the field of Trichology for 27 years and is recognized as one of the Best Hair Doctor in Bangalore. He is the only Trichologist in India to be simultaneously certified from the U.K, Australia, and India.

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Dr. Shahid Shamsher is one of India’s first certified Trichologist practicing in the field of Trichology for 27 years and is recognized as one of the Best Hair Doctor in Bangalore. He is the only Trichologist in India to be simultaneously certified from the U.K, Australia, and India.