Psoriasis Chennai2024-02-09T05:04:11+00:00

Best Psoriasis Treatment in Chennai

Discover the Psoriasis Treatment at Dr. Health Clinic. Our expert dermatologist offer personalized care and effective solutions to help you manage and alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis.

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition that affects approximately 2-3% of the global population. It is characterized by the rapid growth of skin cells, resulting in red, raised patches covered with silver-white scales. These patches can appear anywhere on the body, including the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back.

Psoriasis is not contagious, but it can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Triggers such as stress, infections, certain medications, and injury to the skin can exacerbate flare-ups.

Psoriasis can affect individuals of any age and ethnicity, although it most commonly develops between the ages of 15 and 35. Both men and women can be affected. The severity and symptoms of psoriasis can vary widely among individuals. Some experience mild, localized patches, while others may have more extensive involvement with discomfort and joint stiffness, known as psoriatic arthritis.

Individuals with psoriasis must seek proper medical care and treatment to manage their condition effectively. Psoriasis specialist in Chennai at Dr. Health Clinic provides personalized approaches to relieve symptoms, reduce inflammation, and improve the overall quality of life.

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Symptoms of Psoriasis

  • Red, patches of skin covered with silver scales
  • Itching and burning sensations in affected areas

  • Dry, cracked skin that may bleed

  • Thickened, pitted or ridged nails

  • Stiff and swollen joints (in psoriatic arthritis)

  • Discomfort or pain in affected areas

Types of Psoriasis

It’s very important to know which kind of psoriasis has been affected. Based on the types our best psoriasis doctor in Chennai will curate a specific treatment plan for you. Generally, all types of psoriasis have been triggered by common reasons. Here we have given 6 types of psoriasis with how you can spot them.

Nail Psoriasis

This is one of the types of psoriasis that tends to affect those toenails and fingernails. It causes abnormal nail growth, pitting, and also discoloration of your skin. When it comes to psoriatic nails, it tends to lose from the nail bed. The severity of diseases causes crumbles of nails.

Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis is a common type of this disease that makes your skin itchy and dry. It occurs in different parts of the human body, including the knees, elbows, scalp, and lower back. It causes patches that tend to vary in terms of color and also depend on the actual color of your skin.

Guttate Psoriasis

This is another type of psoriasis that tends to infect different ages be it, children or adults. Bacterial infection is one of the causes of this disease. It appears in drop-shape, small-scale spots, etc.

Pustular Psoriasis

Pustular Psoriasis is not a very common disease. It rarely occurs in any person. It’s a prime reason for pus-filled blisters and also occurs in widespread patches. It can also take place in the soles or palms.

Inverse Psoriasis

When it comes to inverse psoriasis, it tends to affect the skin folds of the buttocks, groin, and also breasts. It also causes those smooth patches of fully inflamed skin that tend to worsen with sweating and also friction. Fungal infections tend to trigger this kind of psoriasis.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis

Pustular Psoriasis is not a very common disease. It rarely occurs in any person. It’s a prime reason for pus-filled blisters and also occurs in widespread patches. It can also take place in the soles or palms.

Psoriasis treatment options at Dr. Health Clinic

At Dr. Health clinic, psoriasis treatment in Chennai is decided based on the severity of the disease, the extent of areas involved, the type of psoriasis and the patient’s response to initial treatments.


For any psoriatic patient, the most troublesome symptom is itching. Chronic itching can affect a person’s routine, alter the sleep cycle, and ultimately lead to mental depression. On top of that, any accidental trauma leads to newer lesions. Psoriatic patients believe the ease from itching would be greater relief. At dr. health, we use specially crafted applications that relieve itching and irritation.

Oral Medications and Immune-Modulating Drugs

These drugs are prescribed to modulate or regulate the immune response in various autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, They work by suppressing or modifying certain immune system functions to reduce inflammation and manage symptoms. It’s important to note that these medications have specific usage guidelines and potential side effects, and should only be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Sunlight and UV Therapies

Sunlight: Sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can be beneficial for managing certain skin conditions. Exposure to sunlight can help reduce inflammation, slow down skin cell growth, and improve symptoms. However, it’s crucial to practice sun safety and avoid excessive sun exposure, as it can lead to sunburn and increase the risk of skin cancer.

UV therapy: UV therapy involves controlled exposure to artificial UV light in a medical setting. It is often administered using special light boxes or cabinets. The two main types of UV therapy used are UVB (ultraviolet B) and PUVA (psoralen plus ultraviolet A) therapy.

Combination of lifestyle changes, self-care practices to manage and improve the condition:

  • Medical Treatment: Consult with a dermatologist who can prescribe appropriate medications, such as topical creams, oral medications, phototherapy, or biologic therapies, based on the severity of your psoriasis.

  • Moisturize Regularly: Keep your skin well-hydrated by applying moisturizers or emollients daily. This helps to reduce dryness, itching, and scaling associated with psoriasis.

  • Refrain from Triggers: keep away from triggers that worsen your psoriasis symptoms. Common triggers include stress, certain foods, alcohol, smoking, and skin injuries. Keep a diary to track potential triggers and adjust your lifestyle accordingly.

  • Healthy Diet: Adopt a balanced and nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids. Although no specific diet has been proven to cure psoriasis, maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being may help manage the condition.

  • Stress Management: High-stress levels can aggravate psoriasis symptoms. Engage in stress-reducing activities such as exercise, yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies to promote relaxation and emotional well-bei

  • Exercise: indulge regular physical activity into your routine. Exercise helps improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and maintain a healthy weight. Choose activities that you enjoy and can comfortably perform with your psoriasis condition.

  • Avoid Skin Trauma: Handle your skin gently and avoid trauma or injury. Be cautious when shaving, trimming nails, or using harsh soaps. Use moisturizing and gentle skincare products that are suitable for sensitive skin.

  • Seek Support: Join support groups or seek counseling to connect with others who understand your experience with psoriasis. Sharing experiences, concerns, and coping strategies can provide emotional support and empowerment

Why Dr. Health Clinic Is the Best Psoriasis Hospital in Chennai?

  • Highly Experienced Dermatologists: Expertise In Psoriasis Treatment.
  • Personalized And Targeted Approach: Customized Treatment Plans For Individuals.
  • State-Of-The-Art Diagnostic Facilities: Accurate Assessment Of Psoriasis Severity.
  • Advanced Treatment Options: Topical, Systemic Medications, Phototherapy, And Biologics Are Available.
  • Patient-Centric Care: Compassionate Environment, Support, And Continuous Care.

Our Patients Reviews

For skin treatment always go with experienced dr, and dr at dr health is treating patients for more than 20 years now and are very good with the kind of treatment they provide. I had skin rashes which many doctors told psoriasis and used to keep coming back. I took medicines from Dr pranjal and almost 3 months now and my rashes are completely gone.
Rahul Chaturvedi
I was sceptical before heading to dr health as I very worried about the results due to bad experience in the past. but now I’m soo happy I’ve done it into the right place. I had psoriasis and the medicines suggested by dr is working. Though the process is slow but more importantly safe.
Hashir Isa
I visited for full body psoriasis including even on head. Desperate for a good doctor, I stumbled upon Dr.pranjal and I’m so glad I did. She’s so nice and listens patiently. Never had to wait unlike at other clinics. She diagnosed everything correctly Highly recommend to anyone struggling with skin issues.
Saad Rafiq

I’m sharing my experience bcoz I want others to get help for such issues like psoriasis, im taking treatment at jayanagar branch under Dr.PRANJA SHAMSHER for psoriasis and im very happy with the improvement,i appreciate her patiences to understand our issues and helps patient with proper guidance,our mental health is also very much important in skin issues, i understand the process of treatment and i hv seen very wonderful results with my skin complaints , happy to say that jayanagar clinic is best in patient care and services.

Arati Dutta

FAQ related to Psoriasis

Genetics and Immune System: Both play a major role in psoriasis development.

No, psoriasis and eczema are different skin conditions with distinct symptoms, causes, and treatments.

Currently, there is no known cure for psoriasis. However, various treatment options can effectively manage and control the symptoms.

There are lifestyle changes and self-care measures that can help manage psoriasis, such as avoiding triggers, moisturizing the skin, and reducing stress.

Avoid harsh skincare products, fragrances, and irritants. To prevent spreading, maintain good hygiene, moisturize regularly, and avoid scratching or picking at the affected areas.

Book a Psoriasis Consultation with Dr. Pranjal NOW!


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