
Infants in their early stages of development are usually weak and are prone to many health issues. Skin problems are one of the most common issues associated with the babies. Their skin is sensitive and as they grow, their skin undergoes various stages of development, along this journey, they might undergo various skin problems. Skin acts as a protective barrier, it plays a key role in the overall well-being of the body, especially in children. As a parent, it is common to expect that your baby’s skin is flawless. However, it is not, babies are born with sensitive skin. 

Children are more likely to develop various skin problems including various rashes, viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. This blog is your guide to getting to know about some of the most common skin problems in infants and how to effectively manage them. It will help you understand various conditions in detail, their symptoms, management techniques, and probable causes. This can help you take care of your baby’s skin, prevent any controllable conditions, and get a diagnosis for the advanced ones.

Common skin problems in infants


Eczema is one of the rare skin conditions that children encounter during their early childhood. This is also known as atopic dermatitis. It causes dry, itchy, red, and scaly patches on the skin of the baby and often appears after one month after delivery. 

Common causes: Genes, allergies, or irritants such as soaps, detergents, wool, etc.

Management solutions: Always keep the skin moisturized and avoid sensitive items that trigger this condition. If the condition progresses from time to time, professional care is required for topical steroids or antihistamines. 


Hives an another skin condition, where the baby’s skin may experience raised and itchy bumps. These symptoms can appear suddenly and usually go for short periods of time. 

Common causes: Viral infections such as cold or flu and allergic reactions to food, medications, or insect bites. 

Management solutions: Identify the trigger and ensure to avoid it as long as you can. Some of the other solutions include cold compresses and antihistamines. 


Milia are tiny white colored bumps that usually appear on the nose, cheeks, and chin. This is one of the most common skin conditions in newborns and can be cured with preventive measures.

Common causes: Milia are the result of immaturity of skin texture and structure. 

Management solutions: It usually does not require any medical assistance as the conditions self-resolve. 

Erythema toxicum

In this condition, babies may experience blotchy red rash with small bubbles in various areas. This is also another common condition in newborns that usually lasts from 1-2 weeks. 

Common causes: The exact cause of this condition is unknown, however, it is believed that immature immune system and hormonal changes might trigger this condition.

Management solutions: No special treatment is required.

Contact dermatitis 

Infants as they grow up, develop allergies to certain food or clothing items that come in contact with. This results in inflammation due to contact with these allergens or irritants.  

Common causes: Soaps, detergents, fragrances, and one of the most common sensitizers nickel.

Management solutions: Avoid particular allergens and contact the dermatologist in case of consistent allergic reactions. 

Viral infections

Some of the most common viral skin conditions include:

  • Molluscum contagiosum –  small bumps caused by poxvirus. 
  • Herpes simplex – cold sores or fever blisters.
  • Varicella – itchy red spots with fluid-filled blisters. 
  • Measles 

Bacterial infections

Common bacterial infections include: 

  • Impetigo – blisters with pus
  • Cellulitis – red and painful skin
  • Folliculitis – Inflammation of hair follicles
  • Boils – painful and pus-filled lumps
  • Staphylococcal skin syndrome – skin peeling

Fungal infections

Common  fungal infections include:

  • Tinea – circular itchy patches
  • Candidiasis – white patches in the mouth 
  • Diaper dermatitis – red, inflamed skin near the diaper
  • Pityriasis versicolor – scaly patches caused by yeast

Why is skincare important in the early stages?

Taking good care of the baby’s skin plays a key role in keeping them healthy in the long run. Early skin care acts as a foundation for lifelong habits, regularly cleaning the baby’s skin at regular intervals. Use gentle products for the skin including moisturizers and other topical creams. This helps in addressing immediate concerns like dryness or acne and preventing other major skin problems in the long run. 

Why are dermatologist visits is important for infants?

Infants are young and have sensitive skin, regular skin checkups help in diagnosing and addressing any skin conditions in their early stages. This prevents the condition from developing into further stages and protects the skin from excessive damage. It is recommended to get your baby’s skin checked with a professional dermatologist every 6 months for optimal skin health. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Health Clinic today, and get a detailed diagnosis and reliable treatment options for your child.  

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Dr. Pranjal Shamsher is the first Skin Doctor in Bangalore to offer natural, non-surgical and non-invasive treatments for skin disorders. She is a Registered Medical Practitioner (Registration No A-6516) and a true pioneer in Skin-Friendly Treatments.

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Dr. Pranjal Shamsher is the first Skin Doctor in Bangalore to offer natural, non-surgical and non-invasive treatments for skin disorders. She is a Registered Medical Practitioner (Registration No A-6516) and a true pioneer in Skin-Friendly Treatments.