Pigmentation Treatment in Bangalore

Skin pigmentation disorder can be a troubling and unsettling condition and it makes you feel despondent. To achieve a perfect complexion, it is crucial to ensure that your skin gets the necessary medical attention at the right time.

What is pigmentation?

Pigmentation is just a technical term that is a darkening of the skin, an innocuous condition that can be caused by superfluous melanin. The deposition of melanin protein pigment is produced by the melanocytes which were present in the epidermis and hair follicles and are responsible for providing colors to the skin, hair, retina, or mucous membranes.

One main reason for Increased melanin production is the sun exposure of the skin, hence resulting in a darkening skin tone in the exposed areas. Dark circles, acne marks, sun tanning, age, spots, or freckles all of which come under the umbrella of pigmentation.

  • Melanin deposit and skin tone are directly related to each other. A low deposit of melanin results in a fair skin tone, this condition is called Hypo-pigmentation.
  • On the other hand, high deposits of melanin make the skin darker and leads to dark spots, patches, or discoloration of the skin known as Hyper-pigmentation.

As noted above, this disease completely depends upon the amount of melanin pigment produced and stored in the skin.

The amount of melanin production depends upon individual genetics and exposure to sunlight. With high exposure to sunlight, more melanin is produced in the skin and vice-versa. More often, hormonal changes are also responsible for melanin production.

Say Goodbye to Pigmentation


Causes Skin Pigmentation

The factors that contribute to increasing in melanin production are responsible for this disease. Some of the factors are:

  • Excessive UV Exposure Sun’s ultraviolet light is the major cause of the uneven increase in melanin pigment. Sunburn leads to discoloration of the skin and even increases the risk of skin cancer.
  • Poor Liver function ailments like fatty liver or cirrhosis lead to hyper-pigmentation, Inactive kidney functioning which produces toxins in the body leads to skin color changes and Gall bladder ailments like Jaundice leads to yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes.
  • Skin injuries – An inflammatory reaction on the skin due to cuts, bruises, the improper technique of hair removal, or depilatory creams.
  • Hormonal changes – Female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone leads to excessive production of melanin due to various reasons like taking birth control pills or even during pregnancy or even when the skin is been exposed to the sun.
  • Taking certain medications – Medications like tetracycline, antibiotics, retinoids, and chemotherapy can also have possible causes for pigmentation.
  • With aging, the skin becomes thin and translucent and decreases the pigment-containing cells(melanocytes). Hence the strength of the skin reduces, and dermis blood vessels become fragile leading to darkening and bleeding in the skin.
  • Disease of the gastrointestinal tract – Constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lactose intolerance, or like.

Excessive UV Exposure Sun’s ultraviolet light is the major cause of the uneven increase in melanin pigment. Sunburn leads to discoloration of the skin and even increases the risk of skin cancer.

Poor Liver function ailments like fatty liver or cirrhosis lead to hyper-pigmentation, Inactive kidney functioning which produces toxins in the body leads to skin color changes and Gall bladder ailments like Jaundice leads to yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes.

Skin injuries – An inflammatory reaction on the skin due to cuts, bruises, the improper technique of hair removal, or depilatory creams.

Hormonal changes – Female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone leads to excessive production of melanin due to various reasons like taking birth control pills or even during pregnancy or even when the skin is been exposed to the sun.

Taking certain medications – Medications like tetracycline, antibiotics, retinoids, and chemotherapy can also have possible causes for pigmentation.

With aging, the skin becomes thin and translucent and decreases the pigment-containing cells(melanocytes). Hence the strength of the skin reduces, and dermis blood vessels become fragile leading to darkening and bleeding in the skin.

Disease of the gastrointestinal tract – Constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lactose intolerance, or like.

Types of skin pigmentation

There are two broad categories of pigmentation conditions as mentioned above. Hyper and hypo pigmentation and in these two there are different categories of pigmentation. Let’s check it out!


This condition occurs when the production of melanin is in a modest quantity. The types of illnesses are as below.


Hyperpigmentation is a term used to describe the condition of excessive secretion of melanin production and hyperpigmentation treatment in Bangalore is depend on the types of illnesses and condition of the skin.

Skin Pigmentation Treatment in Bangalore

There are different types of treatment available for every type of pigmentation. These includes:

Treating the Root Cause

  • Identifying the root cause of skin pigmentation is crucial for tailored treatment, prevention of recurrence, avoidance of unnecessary treatments, accurate diagnosis, better patient management, and improved outcomes.
  • Common causes include sun exposure, hormonal changes, inflammation, medications, and underlying medical conditions like melasma or vitiligo.
  • Determining the exact cause involves a thorough medical history, examination, and sometimes additional tests.

Stabilizing Excess Melanin Production

  • Once the root cause is identified, appropriate cause-specific treatment is recommended to stabilize the melanocyte overactivity and fade away the pigmentation.

Topical Applications for Skin Lightening

  • Topical applications are commonly used to target specific areas of hyperpigmentation or affected skin. These may include advise on topical creams, serums, or exfoliants which can help inhibit melanin production, lighten dark spots, and even out the skin tone.

Oral Medication for Skin Lightening

  • Oral medications may be prescribed in cases where systemic factors contribute to melanocyte overactivity.
  • These medications can include antioxidants, or even certain vitamins and minerals that support skin health and regulate melanin production from within.

Specialized Skin Treatments

In addition to topical and oral treatments, specialized skin treatments may be recommended. These treatments can help to exfoliate the skin, promote cell turnover, and target pigmented areas more directly, leading to improvements in skin tone and texture.

It’s important to note that all treatment plans are tailored to each patient’s specific condition, skin type, and medical history. Our skin specialist will typically assess these factors before recommending a personalized treatment regimen to stabilize melanocyte overactivity and address associated skin concerns effectively.

Regular follow-ups and adjustments to the treatment plan may also be necessary to achieve optimal results over time.

Why Dr. Health Clinic for Pigmentation Issues

  • Dr. Health Clinic provides various pigmentation treatments by understanding the patient’s skin and by examining the medical reports.
  • Dr. Health clinic patients’ reviews will exhibit to you the best results provided by the doctors for the pigmentation issues with zero side effects and with optimum results.
  • You should schedule a consultation with the skin doctor for the best pigmentation treatment in Bangalore if you have any concerns or uncertainties about your pigmentation.


Our Patients Reviews

Best results for skin pigmentaion. I have uneven skin tone. My skin is cured by 90% now. I am getting married in 2 months, hopefully it will fully go by then.
Naina Gill

Just wanted to share my experience as it has helped clear a good deal of my melasma. My melasma covered my forehead, a portion of both cheeks and my upper lip. I had been living with it for nearly three years and have dedicated the last two years to combating it in earnest. The most challenging area has been the upper lip however it too has lightened considerably. Those of you who live with the dreaded melasma know what happens when you spend too much time in the sun. The treatment I took with Dr. Pranjal has greatly decreased my melasma and now it is far easier to cover with simple makeup. The mask that she prescribed removed the superficial layer each time thus allowing the medication to penetrate deeper. The treatment has improved the texture of my skin so overall my skin appears healthier.

Mittal Sha
I took the dull skin treatment at Dr Health and my skin is radiant and glowing. I never could have imagined such quick results. my skin has a youthful look and a silky touch to it. loving my skin! thank you doctor!
Ayush Yadav

Frequently Asked Questions for Pigmentation Treatment

Pigmentation disorders are diagnosed using an ultra violet lamp which establishes the severity and depth of pigmentation. The pigmentation is then categorized into epidermal, dermal and compound types. The epidermal and dermal forms of pigmentation usually respond best to antioxidants, exfoliating agents and sun protection methods. Because of its deep-seated nature, the compound type of pigmentation however is of the resistant type and requires an integrated approach involving several therapies.

Treating Melasma is not like treating just any other form of pigmentation. The common notion is that all kinds of pigmentation can be just abraded off by peeling or scrubbing the skin surface. However constant irritation due to scrubbing can only make Melasma worse. Melasma responds best to non- invasive methods. For Mild cases over-the-counter products which help in reducing the activity of the pigment producing cells can help. For severe cases a combination approach is generally more effective. For those who suffer from sun allergies, a broad-spectrum sunscreen usage is important for successful management of Melasma.

The duration of treatment may vary depending on the severity & depth & chronicity of the pigmentation. When it comes to treating a patient with Melasma, it is important to adhere to the three Ps for maximum results – Patience, Persistence and Precaution. Patience is necessary as there is no magic medicine to peel the Melasma from the surface. Melasma responds better when it is treated both internally and externally. Persistence is necessary in the form of ongoing skin care to maintain the results of the treatment and prevent relapses. Precaution is the third important thing. Exposure to sun and harsh chemical peels need to be avoided as they trigger inflammation and worsen Melasma. Following the three Ps can bring better and lasting results.

Melasma is caused by over-activity of the melanocytes which secrete excess melanin. The excess melanin gets deposited in the outer layer of the skin causing butterfly shaped pigmentation on the face. Though the excess melanin can be removed from the surface, the overactive melanocytes secrete it again making the patch reappear. This becomes a never-ending cycle. To treat Melasma one needs to thus stabilize the overactive melanocytes than merely keep peeling the skin from the surface.