What are post inflammatory pigmentation?
Some people have an easy tendency towards pigmentation. In other words, anything and everything leaves a black mark on their skin. From a simple scratch or a pimple to sun allergies or infections, any inflammation leaves behind a blotchy mark which does not heal on its own. This is called Post Inflammatory Hyper pigmentation. It is located on the site of the original injury or inflammation. The pigmentation may be light brown to black in color and may become darker when exposed to sunlight.
What causes post inflammatory hyper pigmentation?
Post Inflammatory Hyper Pigmentation follows an inflammatory wound. It is the skin’s natural response to inflammation. It can be the result of simple wounds, acne, burns, friction or aggressive clinical treatments such as chemical peels, derma-abrasion, laser and IPL.
Who gets post inflammatory hyper pigmentation?
Post Inflammatory Hyper pigmentation can occur in anyone, but it is more common in dark skinned people. The pigmentation is likely to come up on sun exposed areas. Certain antibiotics and anti-malarial drugs may also cause it.
How are post inflammatory hyper pigmentation treated?
In case of PIH, the original injury or inflammation is already cured and what remains is just to get rid of the pigmentation. Therefore skin lightening agents form the mainstay in treating post inflammatory pigmentation. In chronic and long standing cases involving extensive areas of the skin a combination of treatments which includes external and internal medication may be required. If the pigmentation is on an exposed site, sun protection is very essential.