Psoriasis Hyderabad2023-11-10T07:21:11+00:00

Psoriasis treatment in Hyderabad

It’s an autoimmune disease that causes itching, inflammation & discomfort in the skin. The psoriasis treatment that we provide is unique to you, just like your skin. Boost your health and radiance of your skin and get rid of stubborn psoriasis.


Psoriasis is a condition caused by overactive skin cells & it’s an auto-immune disease. There are commonly well-defined scaly lesions associated with psoriasis. These lesions may appear on the scalp, palms, soles, or anywhere else on the body. A skin cell works its way from the deepest layer to the surface of the body in about 24 days, when it renews itself. On the other hand, Psoriasis occurs in three to four days. In such cases, psoriatic lesions are caused by an accumulation of thick skin flakes on the skin surface.

Typically, psoriasis flares up in the winter but can also flare up in the summer. The summer season can be troublesome for those allergic to sunlight and UV rays. Whatever the causes, we make a complete derma Tec diagnosis and provide you with the best psoriasis treatment in Hyderabad. Along with natural maintenance, you can do it on your own to prevent skin issues in the future.

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Symptoms of Psoriasis

Individuals with psoriasis experience varying symptoms based on its type. It is always important to consult with the best dermatologist for psoriasis in Hyderabad if you are facing any of the issues. The psoriasis treatment that we provide to you will help you to reduce the symptoms. We will give you a unique treatment plan which may be a topical application, light therapy, etc. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Red, Raised & Inflamed Lesions: Lesions afflicting patients with psoriasis are thick, red, raised and inflamed. Usually, they appear on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back, but they can occur anywhere.
  • Silvery White Scales: Silvery white scales cover thick patches of skin caused by psoriasis. Plaques are the resulting patches.
  • Dry Skin That Easily Cracks & Bleeds: Symptoms of severe psoriasis include open wounds and fissures, caused by cracked or bleeding plaques.
  • Small Reddish Pink Spots: Psoriasis can also present symptoms of small reddish-pink spots on the skin.
  • Burning & Soreness of Skin: Psoriasis symptoms can include burning and soreness anywhere on the body.
  • Pitting & Discoloration of Nails: The symptoms of nail psoriasis are found on the nails of your fingers and toes. Dents on your nails and discolorations in the form of yellow, brown or white are some of the signs.
  • Painful Swollen Joints: Due to psoriasis, some people experience pain and swelling in their joints.
  • Itching: Patients with psoriasis complain of itching most frequently. An itchy scalp can cause fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and mental depression.

Types of Psoriasis

Its very important to know that which kind of psoriasis have been affected. Based on the type of psoriasis our doctor will curate a specific treatment plan for you. Generally all the types of psoriasis have been trigged by the common reasons. Here we have give 6 types of psoriasis with how you can spot them.

Nail Psoriasis

This is one of the types of psoriasis that tends to affect those toenails and fingernails. It causes abnormal nail growth, pitting, and also discoloration of your skin. When it comes to psoriatic nails, it tends to lose from the nail bed. The severity of diseases causes crumbles of nails.

Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis is a common type of this disease that makes your skin itchy and dry. It occurs in different parts of the human body, including the knees, elbows, scalp, and lower back. It causes patches that tend to vary in terms of color and also depend on the actual color of your skin.

Guttate Psoriasis

This is another type of psoriasis that tends to infect different ages be it, children or adults. Bacterial infection is one of the causes of this disease. It appears in drop-shape, small-scale spots, etc.

Pustular Psoriasis

Pustular Psoriasis is not a very common disease. It rarely occurs in any person. It’s a prime reason for pus-filled blisters and also occurs in widespread patches. It can also take place in the soles or palms.

Inverse Psoriasis

When it comes to inverse psoriasis, it tends to affect the skin folds of the buttocks, groin, and also breasts. It also causes those smooth patches of fully inflamed skin that tend to worsen with sweating and also friction. Fungal infections tend to trigger this kind of psoriasis.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis

Pustular Psoriasis is not a very common disease. It rarely occurs in any person. It’s a prime reason for pus-filled blisters and also occurs in widespread patches. It can also take place in the soles or palms.

Psoriasis treatment options at Dr. Health Clinic

At Dr. Health’s clinic, psoriasis treatment options are determined based on various factors. Dr. Health takes into account how severe it is, which parts of your body are affected by it, and what type it is. They also consider how the patient reacts to the initial treatments.

At Dr. Health Clinic, we understand that Psoriasis can be debilitating and embarrassing for many people. We strive to provide the best care possible. We utilize a combination of treatment options to ensure our patients have the best chance of achieving clear skin over the long term. 

Individual therapies may provide relief in the short term, but they are seldom strong enough to clear lesions over an extended period of time. That is why we take a multifaceted approach to psoriasis treatment options at Dr. Health Clinic. We combine light therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes when necessary to improve symptoms and reduce severity over time. We will walk you through our “1-2-3-4” approach. 

1. Topical Applications for Itch Relief & Clearing Up Skin Lesions from the Surface

Patients often report that the itchiness associated with their Psoriasis can interfere with their sleep and concentration and cause mental depression. Living with the constant itch of Psoriasis can be unbearable. At this point, many sufferers feel desperate to find relief. Besides, the trauma caused by continuous scratching results in newer lesions that add to their distress. So, psoriasis patients are searching for treatments that will remove the itch so they can be at ease.

At Dr. Health, we offer specially formulated topical applications that have proven to relieve itching and irritation by reducing inflammation and sloughing of dead skin cells associated with Psoriasis. Our products are designed to provide fast-acting relief without the need for any harsh chemicals or antibiotics. Dr. Health offers aromatherapy-based skin softening agents like wheat germ, jojoba, essential oils of tagetes, tea tree, and many other combinations for the itch.

2. Oral Medications and Immune-Modulating drugs

Oral medications are a viable option for treating Psoriasis. Immune-modulating drugs help to regulate the body’s response to the skin condition. This increases antibody production and reduces inflammation. These drugs alter the immune system’s ability to attack abnormal cells to reduce the symptoms associated with Psoriasis.

3. Sunlight and UV Therapies

Sunlight and ultraviolet therapies are popular treatment options for those who have Psoriasis. Sunlight helps to slow the skin cell turnover rate, reducing scaling and inflammation associated with this condition. This therapy has been used for many years and is known to be safe and effective in treating Psoriasis.

4. Psoriasis Wellness Regime

When it comes to treating Psoriasis, prevention is key. Research and clinical studies have shown that adopting a lifestyle that meets the body’s needs is essential in avoiding flare-ups. Those who suffer from it know the discomfort and embarrassment of flare-ups. But there are ways to reduce risk and cut symptoms.

Every morning, Dr. Health recommends taking a few minutes to get some sun exposure for those suffering from mild to moderate Psoriasis. Dr. Health has developed an effective treatment plan that focuses on complying with medication and lifestyle changes. 

The treatment plan includes the following –

  • Complying with treatment
  • Quitting smoking
  • Addressing untreated depression 
  • Stopping alcohol abuse
  • Reducing obesity 
  • Exercising
  • Making diet changes
  • Consuming folate-rich foods
  • Adhering to a psoriasis-specific skin care regimen
  • Supplementing the diet with omega-3 fatty acids

Psoriasis affects many people, but it does not have to limit or define one’s quality of life. With proper medical treatment and the Psoriasis Wellness Regime, Psoriasis is manageable. Everyone’s experience of these treatments will be different. So it is important to remember that patience and dedication are vital in managing Psoriasis. We can remove Psoriasis patches with the help of proper treatment. Yet, you need to remember that Psoriasis is an ongoing condition. So even if one patch disappears, it does not mean that a new one will not appear in an unexpected spot.

Psoriasis can be managed and treated effectively, with the potential for complete remissions. However, it is important to be aware that there currently is no cure for Psoriasis. It’s essential to consult a qualified medical professional for psoriasis management and avoid any quacks or unqualified practitioners who promise a treatment.

Causes of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is one of the skin disorders that take place, especially when skin cells get replaced more quickly. Though the actual cause of this disease is not known, some experts believe that it occurs due to a weak immune system.

Your body generates new skin cells that gradually move up with the skin layers and also they reach the outermost level. The entire process generally takes approximately 3 to 4 weeks.

  • A weak immune system of your body also causes this disease. It helps fight infection. T-cell is one of the types of cells that the immune system uses the most. This cell generally travels through the body for detecting and also fighting those invading germs including bacteria.

  • Many people who already developed psoriasis symptoms tend to worsen due to certain events, known as a trigger. Once you are aware of triggers, it also helps you ignore those flare-ups. Some of the psoriasis triggers include smoking, stress, consuming excessive alcohol, hormonal changes, and many more.

  • Genetics is another main cause of diseases like psoriasis. If any of your family members suffer from this disease, you are prone to get infected with this disease. According to many researchers, different genes are responsible for developing skin disorders like psoriasis. 

Psoriasis Treatment options

There are several effective treatments for psoriasis. The treatment plans that we develop are based on multiple factors such as the severity of the disease, the degree to which an area is affected, the type of psoriasis, and the patient’s response to the medication as well.

Topical Application on Skin

Topical application is used to reduce inflammation and remove dead skin. Dermatologist will suggest you some lotions, ointments, cream feel itchy or suffer from skin inflammation.

Light therapy

Sunlight and UV light therapy will help the patients to reduce the effect psoriasis when it applied in limited amounts on a daily basis.. It reduces or controls the hotness of the skin & along with slowing down the production of skin cells.

Immune Modulators

Immune-modulating drugs and medication is taken orally which help you to reduce the symptoms of the psoriasis if you are suffering from moderate to severe symptoms of psoriasis. Before taking any drugs it is advised to consult with you psoriasis specialist in Hyderabad.

Why Dr. Health for Scalp Psoriasis Treatment in Hyderabad?

Our Patients Reviews

For skin treatment always go with experienced dr, and dr at dr health is treating patients for more than 20 years now and are very good with the kind of treatment they provide. I had skin rashes which many doctors told psoriasis and used to keep coming back. I took medicines from Dr pranjal and almost 3 months now and my rashes are completely gone.
Rahul Chaturvedi
I was sceptical before heading to dr health as I very worried about the results due to bad experience in the past. but now I’m soo happy I’ve done it into the right place. I had psoriasis and the medicines suggested by dr is working. Though the process is slow but more importantly safe.
Hashir Isa
I visited for full body psoriasis including even on head. Desperate for a good doctor, I stumbled upon Dr.pranjal and I’m so glad I did. She’s so nice and listens patiently. Never had to wait unlike at other clinics. She diagnosed everything correctly Highly recommend to anyone struggling with skin issues.
Saad Rafiq

im sharing my experience bcoz i want others to get help for such issues like psoriasis, im taking treatment at jayanagar branch under Dr.PRANJA SHAMSHER for psoriasis and im very happy with the improvement,i appreciate her patiences to understand our issues and helps patient with proper guidance,our mental health is also very much important in skin issues, i understand the process of treatment and i hv seen very wonderful results with my skin complaints, evn with weather change also my skin lession are very much better, happy to say that jayanagar clinic is best in patient care and services.

Arati Dutta

FAQ related to Psoriasis

Psoriasis is caused by an inflammatory response in which the immune system accidentally targets the body’s own cells. This causes an increase in the production of skin cells causing formation of thick scales on the surface, the typical appearance of psoriasis.

The exact cause is not known but research suggests that it is caused by a malfunctioning immune system. The cells of the immune system mistakenly attack healthy skin cells and trigger an overactive immune response. This leads to increased production of skin cells which build up in thick scaly patches on the skin surface. Genetics also plays a role in causing Psoriasis. Studies have shown that having one parent with psoriasis increases the risk of getting the disease and having two parents with psoriasis doubles the risk. Apart from these, other factors like stress, consumption of red meat and alcohol, viral or bacterial infections, winters or extremes of climate, injuries and certain medications may trigger psoriasis.

The symptoms vary as per the type of Psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis presents with dry, thick, raised patches covered with silvery white scales. Guttate psoriasis may present with multiple tiny red scaly bumps which appear extensively on larger areas of the body. Inverse psoriasis occurs on skin folds. Pustular psoriasis presents with severe infected pustules with inflammation and swelling. Erythrodermic psoriasis, the most severe form of psoriasis appears with a more severe inflammation, intolerable itching, and may be associated with fever, chills, and muscle weakness.

Psoriasis patients often have doubts whether it was okay for them to get married. Some get psyched up by the tiniest rash on their child’s skin and bring them along to the clinic to rule out psoriasis. Such is the fear psychosis about the disease. Psoriasis by nature is a non-contagious condition which means it cannot spread through touch or contact. It is safe for psoriatic patients to socialize, get married, have children.

Psoriasis presents with very characteristic symptoms which can be diagnosed clinically by a trained eye. It is not enough to just diagnose psoriasis but also the type of psoriasis as the treatment may vary depending on the type of psoriasis. At Dr. Health we use Dermatec analysis to diagnose the exact type and severity of the psoriasis.

Psoriasis Itch is the principal and the most bothersome complaint amongst psoriatic patients. This was confirmed by a survey conducted by the National Psoriasis Foundation. Most patients who participated in the survey were of the opinion that if the itch were to be removed, they would be at much ease with the disease. The erythrodermic type of Psoriasis is the itchiest. The itching is severe enough to cause sleep disturbances, inability to concentrate and mental depression. In addition, the trauma caused due to constant scratching causes newer lesions. Psoriatic itch responds well to omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B supplements. Skin softening agents like wheat germ, jojoba, essential oils of tagetes & tea tree are also highly effective against the itch.

People with Psoriasis should drink little or no alcohol. Several studies have shown that heavy drinkers experience more severe psoriasis symptoms. Excessive use of alcohol also causes deficiency of vitamins A and E which are crucial for healthy skin. Alcohol is a diuretic, apart from dehydrating the skin it can cause liver damage. It is known to cause flare-ups and limits the effectiveness of the ongoing treatment. These are many reasons for patients to say NO to this dangerous cocktail.

Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Oily fish like salmons and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and so is tuna fish. For vegetarian people flax seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These seeds can be stored in airtight containers and sprinkled over various foods for their beneficial effects. Consumption of folate rich foods like broccoli and cabbage also is helpful. With Psoriasis, you may need to moderate the consumption of red meat, dairy products, and alcohol.

A study conducted at the National Psoriasis Foundation has confirmed the increased risk of cardiovascular disease for Psoriasis patients, especially those with severe Psoriasis and in their forties and fifties. Psoriasis patients should undergo regular checks to rule out the presence of heart disease and examine their risk factors like quit smoking, reduce stress levels, decrease sodium intake and maintain normal weight.

Yes, exercise is good for Psoriasis. It has always been known that overweight people and smokers were at higher risk of psoriasis flare-ups. However, in a study, it was found that despite being overweight and other lifestyle habits people who exercised regularly seemed to be protected against psoriasis flare- ups. The study also revealed that the lower risk was due to the fact that exercise lowered inflammation in the body in general, and body-wide inflammation is a common feature of psoriasis. Further exercise also decreases anxiety and stress which otherwise are big psoriasis triggers.

As of now there is no cure for psoriasis. But the symptoms of psoriasis can be managed very well with proper treatment. There is a lot of panic associated with the word Psoriasis. However, Psoriasis should be faced with a measure of equanimity. When a new patch is noted, it is no cause for fear, for treatment can rid you of it and a cleared patch is no cause for celebration, as a new lesion can occur there or elsewhere someday. The focus is to keep psoriasis from coming in the way of your routine, livelihood, and quality of life with the treatments available.

While psoriasis does not have a specific cure, it is treated symptomatically. The symptoms can be managed and remarkable lessened.

Psoriasis is caused by over replacing skin cells too quickly. An immune system problem might be the cause, but the exact cause is unknown.

The severity of psoriasis can vary depending on environmental factors, but it does not always worsen with age.

Scalp psoriasis can cause temporary hair loss, but it isn’t permanent.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that can be treated, but it does not go away on its own.

There are a variety of things that can cause psoriasis such as stress, cold, dry weather, trauma to the skin, medications, smoking, infections, alcohol and so on.

Book a Psoriasis Consultation with Dr. Pranjal NOW!


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